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621.039.5 AEA 1979

United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
  Reactor safety course no. 27. Vol.2 manual of lecture notes. -- United Kingdom : AEA, 1979

  1. water reactors; 2. NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS; 3. RISK; 4. DISEÑO; 5. QUALITY; 6. nuclear safety reactor

  (3) Inv.: 212976 S.T.: 621.039.5 AEA 1979
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212976 621.039.5 AEA 1979

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United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
Reactor safety course no. 27. Vol.2 manual of lecture notes. -- United Kingdom : AEA, 1979

1. water reactors; 2. NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS; 3. RISK; 4. DISEÑO; 5. QUALITY; 6. nuclear safety reactor

(3) Inv.: 212976 S.T.: 621.039.5 AEA 1979