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Howlader, M.
  Coexistence Assessment of Industrial Wireless Protocols in the Nuclear Facility Environment. -- United States : NRC, 2007

  I. Kiger, C. J. II. Ewing, P. D. III. US NRC United States Nuclear Reguatory Commission IV. ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory

  (2) Inv.: 213734 S.T.: NUREG/CR-6939
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213734 NUREG/CR-6939

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Howlader, M.
Coexistence Assessment of Industrial Wireless Protocols in the Nuclear Facility Environment. -- United States : NRC, 2007

I. Kiger, C. J. II. Ewing, P. D. III. US NRC United States Nuclear Reguatory Commission IV. ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory

(2) Inv.: 213734 S.T.: NUREG/CR-6939