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EPRI-NP-6066s 1988

Mattu, R. K.
  Utility Response to NRC Bulletin 87-01, Thinning of Pipe Walls in Nuclear Power Plants. -- USA : SAIC, 1988

  I. Anderson, W. F. II. Connor, L. (Investigadores Principales) III. Science Application International Corporation IV. ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE

  (2) Inv.: 212947 S.T.: EPRI-NP-6066s 1988
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212947 EPRI-NP-6066s 1988

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Centro Atómico Ezeiza: (+5411) 4125-8826/8481
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Mattu, R. K.
Utility Response to NRC Bulletin 87-01, Thinning of Pipe Walls in Nuclear Power Plants. -- USA : SAIC, 1988

I. Anderson, W. F. II. Connor, L. (Investigadores Principales) III. Science Application International Corporation IV. ELECTRIC POWER RESEARCH INSTITUTE

(2) Inv.: 212947 S.T.: EPRI-NP-6066s 1988