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061.3:539.12.08 NCRPM 1982

  Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting : Critical Issues on Setting Radiation Dose Limits : As presented at the National Academy of Sciences Auditorium [PRCD]. -- Bethesda, United States : NCRP, 1982
  ISBN: 01957740

  1. DOSE LIMITS; 2. RADIATION DOSES; 3. Dose-response relationship; 4. LIMITE DE DOSIS; 5. DOSIS; 6. RELEASE LIMITS

  (1) Inv.: 215558 S.T.: 061.3:539.12.08 NCRPM 1982
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215558 061.3:539.12.08 NCRPM 1982

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Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting : Critical Issues on Setting Radiation Dose Limits : As presented at the National Academy of Sciences Auditorium [PRCD]. -- Bethesda, United States : NCRP, 1982
ISBN: 01957740

1. DOSE LIMITS; 2. RADIATION DOSES; 3. Dose-response relationship; 4. LIMITE DE DOSIS; 5. DOSIS; 6. RELEASE LIMITS

(1) Inv.: 215558 S.T.: 061.3:539.12.08 NCRPM 1982