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535.6 B635

Bohren, Craig F.
  Absorption and scattering of light by small particles [MNG]. -- New York : J. Wiley and sons, 1983c

  ISBN: 047105772X

  1. LUZ -DISPERSION; 2. PARTICULAS I. Huffman, Donald R.

  (1) Inv.: 033128 S.T.: 535.6 B635
1 Ejemplar
U. Info. Inventario S.T. / Ubicación
033128 535.6 B635

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Bohren, Craig F.
Absorption and scattering of light by small particles [MNG]. -- New York : J. Wiley and sons, 1983c

ISBN: 047105772X

1. LUZ -DISPERSION; 2. PARTICULAS I. Huffman, Donald R.

(1) Inv.: 033128 S.T.: 535.6 B635