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Frasch, G.
  Occupational Radiation Exposure in Central and Eastern European Countries-ESOREX EAST-Proceedings of an Introductory Workshop
  En: Occupational Radiation Exposure in Central and Eastern European Countries-ESOREX EAST-Proceedings of an Introductory Workshop / Frasch, G.. -- Germany : BfS, [s.f.]


  I. Anatschkowa, E. II. Petrová, Karla III. Federal Office for Radiation Protection(BfS) IV. State Office for Nuclear Safety (SUJB)

  (2) Inv.: 202895 S.T.: BfS-ISH-184/99
1 Ejemplar
U. Info. Inventario S.T. / Ubicación
202895 BfS-ISH-184/99

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Centro Atómico Ezeiza: (+5411) 4125-8826/8481
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Formulario para Solicitud de Material

Frasch, G.
Occupational Radiation Exposure in Central and Eastern European Countries-ESOREX EAST-Proceedings of an Introductory Workshop
En: Occupational Radiation Exposure in Central and Eastern European Countries-ESOREX EAST-Proceedings of an Introductory Workshop / Frasch, G. -- Germany : BfS, [s.f.]


I. Anatschkowa, E. II. Petrová, Karla III. Federal Office for Radiation Protection(BfS) IV. State Office for Nuclear Safety (SUJB)

(2) Inv.: 202895 S.T.: BfS-ISH-184/99