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61: 53 M595

Mettler, Fred A.
  Medical effects of ionizing radiation. -- Philadelphia : Saunders, c1995

  ISBN: 0711666469

  1. Ionizing radiation-Toxicology; 2. Dose-response relationship; 3. Tumors, Radiation-induced; 4. Radiation injuries I. Uptalon, Arthur C.

  (2) Inv.: 203057 S.T.: 61: 53 M595
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203057 61: 53 M595

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Mettler, Fred A.
Medical effects of ionizing radiation. -- Philadelphia : Saunders, c1995

ISBN: 0711666469

1. Ionizing radiation-Toxicology; 2. Dose-response relationship; 3. Tumors, Radiation-induced; 4. Radiation injuries I. Uptalon, Arthur C.

(2) Inv.: 203057 S.T.: 61: 53 M595