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Catálogo Bibliográfico

EUR-19960 EN

Zurita, A.
  EU co-sponsored research on reactor safety severe accidents. Final summary reports-INV cluster projects. [INFO]. -- Belgium : EC, 2003. -- EU co-sponsored research on reactor safety severe accidents. Final summary reports-INV cluster projects. / Zurita, A.

  I. Van Goethem, G. II. EUROPEAN COMMISSION III. Nuclear Science and Technology

  (2) Inv.: 209037 S.T.: EUR-19960 EN
1 Ejemplar
U. Info. Inventario S.T. / Ubicación
209037 EUR-19960 EN

Para contactarnos:
Centro Atómico Ezeiza: (+5411) 4125-8826/8481
Sede Central: (+5411) 6323-1528

Formulario para Solicitud de Material

Zurita, A.
EU co-sponsored research on reactor safety severe accidents. Final summary reports-INV cluster projects. [INFO]. -- Belgium : EC, 2003. -- EU co-sponsored research on reactor safety severe accidents. Final summary reports-INV cluster projects. / Zurita, A.

I. Van Goethem, G. II. EUROPEAN COMMISSION III. Nuclear Science and Technology

(2) Inv.: 209037 S.T.: EUR-19960 EN