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Bâuml, Alfred
  Joint WHO/ISH Workshop on Efficacy and Radiation Safety in Interventional Radiology [INFO]. -- Munich : Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, 1997. -- Joint WHO/ISH Workshop on Efficacy and Radiation Safety in Interventional Radiology

  En formato electrónico: disco ARN-SEDE, Biblioteca
  ISBN: 3894298413

  1. RADIATION; 2. SAFETY; 3. RADIOLOGY; 4. RADIACIONES; 5. SEGURIDAD I. Bauer, Burkhard II. Veit, Richard III. Bernhardt, J. H. IV. et, al.

  (1) Inv.: 217514
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Bâuml, Alfred
Joint WHO/ISH Workshop on Efficacy and Radiation Safety in Interventional Radiology [INFO]. -- Munich : Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, 1997. -- Joint WHO/ISH Workshop on Efficacy and Radiation Safety in Interventional Radiology

En formato electrónico: disco ARN-SEDE, Biblioteca
ISBN: 3894298413

1. RADIATION; 2. SAFETY; 3. RADIOLOGY; 4. RADIACIONES; 5. SEGURIDAD I. Bauer, Burkhard II. Veit, Richard III. Bernhardt, J. H. IV. et, al.

(1) Inv.: 217514